Newsflash: Elke is tired. Not sick and tired of something or of life. Not deadly tired. Just plain ol' tired; the wake up tired, fall into bed tired, and not-up-for-the-game tired. And I hadn't really noticed 'til today just how tired I am.
Mind you, I can function: I still teach Zumba and see clients, and I am in the midst of editing a pal's book, and am getting ready for yet another move to our new, long term home.
But today, as I was looking at a day without appointments, and a day when there are roofers pounding away at the roof of our temporary home, I checked in with my check list of things I can do and will have to do someday soon and thought: I am tired. I need rest and some form of self care. So I've put in calls to 2 body workers, and am waiting on their reply, and meanwhile I am scheming a day to get away into nature. Besides finding a nap in there somewhere, I have no other plans.
Why I am sharing this with you: Because I suspect that some of you might be coming to a similar realization: Not only is your life in transition or is moving fast or is stressed, but you (and I and others who are sensitive this way) are ALSO picking up on and working with the weird and dark and challenging world events and trends. I do not need to list them. You know what I am talking about. Which brings me to this suggestion:
Take a breath, and take good care of you. However you can do that. It might be a few minute break in the sunshine, it might be a cup of tea, or a nap, or revving up your meditation practice. Or maybe it's time to take entire day off--what a concept!
Give yourself permission to hit the pause button and take a deep breath. And then another one. You'll be glad you did.
Take good care, and bye for now,
PS: I do have activities and work days coming up. And I promise I'll be up and energized for all of 'em....check it out:
Healing and Intention Drum Group
Always on 2nd Tuesdays, June 13, July 11 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Skagit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 500 West Section Street, Mount Vernon, WA.
Drum in your intentions and drum out what no longer serves you. Gather together in community and support others' intentions and dreams. Bring your own frame drum or borrow Elke's. $10+ donation welcome. No one turned away. Blessings!
Aura Portrait Sessions at Llynya's on Whidbey Island Saturday, June 24
@ Llynya's Gallery, 1679 E Main St # C, Freeland, WA 98249
From Gallery owner Llynya: "Elke is an amazing Aura Seer who creates beautiful aura portraits showing you the special beauty of your own aura. Each color brings its own gifts and insight. Today Elke is offering Aura Portraits which are an in the moment picture of your aura in full color!" Also available are Spiritual Guidance sessions and Aura Readings. Fee is $50 for half hour and $100 for a full hour session. Call to schedule your appointment: 360-331-3696.
Aura Portrait Sundays at Native Springs spa in Anacortes July 9 and August 13
At Native Springs Skincare Spa, 1005 6th Street, Anacortes, WA
I am scheduling aura portraits on 2 Sundays in July and August, as well as energy healing sessions on another 2 Sundays n July and August. Lovely spa in downtown Anacortes, downtown Anacortes, accessible to all! Only 5 spaces/day: July 9 & Aug 13 One hour portraits and readings. July 23 & Aug 20 One hour energy adjustment sessions
For aura portrait info: For energy adjustment sessions:
Aura portraits: $100 Energy adjustment sessions: $80 Call or email Elke to schedule: 360-770-7831/
Energy Adjustment Sundays ( EAS) at Native Springs Spa in Anacortes July 23 and August 20
At Native Springs Skincare Spa, 1005 6th Street, Anacortes, WA
I am scheduling aura portraits on 2 Sundays in July and August, as well as energy healing sessions on another 2 Sundays n July and August. Lovely spa in downtown Anacortes, downtown Anacortes, accessible to all! Only 5 spaces/day: July 9 & Aug 13 One hour portraits and readings. July 23 & Aug 20 One hour energy adjustment sessions
For aura portrait info: For energy adjustment sessions:
Aura portraits: $100 Energy adjustment sessions: $80 Call or email Elke to schedule: 360-770-7831/