Sunday, January 12, 2025, the eve of the Wolf full moon, was a huge day for me and my friend Margaret.
The following is an account of the day…
On that Sunday I drove to a seaside nature preserve to meet with Margaret, a beloved Shaman daughter. We met to walk together on the beach in order to find a safe place to do a releasing ceremony. The full moon energy was a perfect time to let go of the energy of people, places, thoughts, habits, ideas, patterns and all manner of life -stuff which no longer served us.
We found the perfect spot amongst the driftwood and stones which line most beaches in the Pacific Northwest. Margaret was first to build a tiny fire in a large shell using lint from her dryer (amazingly effective!). In her ritual fire, she burned bits of paper with names and attributes of people she knew and had offered healing to, as well as family members, friends, and her ex-husband, and released them all to their own lives or after-lives. We both offered up prayers of freedom and goodness and love to them all. She took the ash remains in the shell and released them to Momma Ocean. What a beautiful sight! 💙💦

Then it was my turn.
That morning, I took a deep breath and picked up two small boxes from my dresser and brought them with me as well as a sage bundle with flowers woven in. Margaret had done her releasing on a lovely rocky place. I chose a patch of sand with large wood logs triangulated around it.
We found heart-shaped rocks, and I made a Medicine Circle. I opened one box, and poured out the rest of my dear husband Jim's cremains on the sand. Then I built a small fire and began the process of burning a beautiful match box which held a few beard whiskers I had cut from his handsome face after his death, over 4 years ago. I had cut them before his body was taken to University of Washington body donation program. His wish was to gift his body to science and education, which was a beautiful intent. Yet, I was not to see his cremains til 2 full years after his death, so I needed something from his body to grieve with.
As the funeral pyre slowly burned the matchbox "urn", I cried, and recalled sweet memories while the Universe sent support to the effort :
Jim was an amazing swimmer, and sure enough, in the frigid sea water, a cold water swimmer steadily swam by. Close to shore for safety, his stroke was sure and even—just like Jim's.
Dogs and their people wandered by. A few people bowed our way with prayer hands. The dogs sat for a few seconds and regarded the ritual. Eagles and seagulls flew overhead. The sun broke out of the grey sky.
I cried and laughed and told naughty and wondrous stories of my mischievous and amazing husband. He was a fire builder and a forest fire fighter. He was a search and rescue volunteer. He was Mr. Consciousness—our main topic of conversation. He was a dad, brother, uncle, son and husband. He was an author and counselor and explorer of all things spiritual ….
As the little box slowly burned, I had plenty of time to fully grieve.
When the last of the matchbox urn turned gray, and there were no more whiskers in sight, I dug under the cremains and ashes and was about to bury all of it, but my hand struck a rock. I pulled it out and buried the funeral pyre remains in the hole, placing the rock on top to seal the ritual.
It was an amazing and thorough release.

We walked the rest of the 3 mile sea and forest-side loop in joy and extra sassiness. Yea... sassiness. We felt free to be ourselves: two powerful women in joy.
As we walked the cliff-side path above the beach, an eagle flew over, close enough to see the beautiful feathers and face. Coyotes howled and yipped in the forest. I discovered and acknowledged an ancient tree I'd never seen before—and I've traveled that path hundreds of times.
People made way for us on the narrow trail, including a sweet family trio—they all loved and commented on my hat. The dad and two young adult kiddos were friendly, healthy, and emitted great vibes. We crossed paths with the trio several times before Margaret and I arrived at our cars and headed to a local restaurant I love.
At 3:30 PM, the restaurant was between lunch and dinner times and nearly empty. Our waiter was super bright and lively, the menu had lots of gluten free options. Margaret and my conversation was just about to start when I saw 3 people enter the cafe: the family trio from our walk! We acknowledged each other and I enthusiastically told them they were in the right place, everything is delicious there, and then I complimented them on their sweet bonds of affection.
Waiter told us that the special of the day was jaeger schnitzel with red cabbage and potatoes. Are you kidding me? A dish from my childhood ! And gluten free! Margaret said, "I'm buying the schnitzel for you."
We laughed and talked in wonder about the day, about our lives moving forward, about shaman momma and daughter stuff.
Behind me, I heard the door open and close and I knew the family trio had left. Blessings to them!!
Margaret got up to use the loo and also tell our waiter what our dessert selection was—a chai flavored Creme brûlée(Creme brûlée being a favorite of Jim's!). The waiter told her something, and I saw her hands fly to her mouth in delight. She returned to our table to announce: our dinner was paid for by the patriarch of the sweet trio!
The abundant gifts were too numerous to count on that precious day.
Now, a few days later, I feel quiet and steady inside I am ready for the next adventures of a loving powerful woman.
Thank you for your witness, my friends.