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Life turned foreboding when I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. On finding little hope through conventional medical practice, I started looking for other viewpoints on healing.  Initially, I didn't find much;:it looked mostly like charlatans with snake-oil. Walking outdoors, wondering where else to search, I watched a 'V' of geese flying, "Where are they going?" I asked myself.  "Anacortes" was the internal reply.  I realized I hadn't specifically looked in Anacortes, WA for that different viewpoint. A quick internet search led to Elke's webpage. Intrigued, I scheduled an initial session and....                        .  ....that was 8 years ago. Elke did not provide a miracle cure. She has provided something unexpected; a connection to the world that I had been missing; the world of spirit, wisdom and transformation. Aided by Elke, I've let go of things, emotional and physical, that no longer served me; I have regained lost parts of myself. Without that assistance and the hope gained through a renewed connection to the world, life would have remained at least foreboding. Elke has become a trusted ally in my life's ups and downs. I am grateful for her compassion, joyfulness and her gifts. What are Elke's gifts? Simply put, she perceives and interacts with creation on levels unfamiliar to most people.. I don't understand how it works, but I have experienced it working. I also don't try to label what Elke 'is' - Shaman? Energy healer? Wise Woman? Medium?  No, she is Elke. B.R.D


Do you feel like a lemming marching along with all the other lemmings right off the cliff? Would you rather make conscious choices that are in alignment with your true self? Elke, with her shamanic skills, psychic abilities and connections with the world of Spirit is able to help guide you meaningfully along this journey called life. - Martha Pease, retired physical therapist, LaConner, WA


I have known Elke for 28 years, the most recent 8 attending many drum circles and journeying workshops a year. I called on her for spiritual counseling when i was going through divorce many years ago. I really needed to understand what was happening in my life from a spiritual perspective, and Elke was a grounding and healing force. Elke is constantly tuning in to her own evolution as a spiritual being, teacher, and shaman. It is her primary devotion to be in service to others, to our beautiful Gaia, and to the Divine plan which connects us. Her workshops are offered out of divine inspiration and without a breath of ego. Her gifts of sight, deep listening to Spirit, and high vibration are all evident in her leadership style. Elke expresses joy in her work. She loves to laugh and dance. She understands how to hold space for things that come up to be processed and facilitates their release in a gentle and thorough way. When Elke smudges me, i relax and allow my healing to unfold because i know i am well held. I love when she paints my aura and tells me about it because I'm always left with such validation of who I am and an understanding of my own magnificence. Truly, Elke is an ambassador of Spirit. She is remarkable. Margaret K. Registered nurse and healing practitioner


"Don’t try to pigeonhole Elke, you will not succeed. This extraordinarily gifted and special person is sui generis (in a class of her own). She uses colors that others don’t see and downloads messages that others don’t hear to communicate the essence of being. Her work is done with the warmth, compassion and wonder of a wife and mother and without any sense of superiority. Elke uses her powers positively and with care." - Peter Armitage, Philanthropist, British Isles


“I have never been disappointed by any of the classes or workshops that I have taken with Elke. From the moment it begins until the end you know you are in good hands with an experienced shamanic practitioner, healer, seer. You can see her connection to spirit in everything she does, especially when she’s working. And I have truly been blessed by her presence, guidance, and instruction in my life.” Liz Peterson, podcaster, healer,

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