On labor day weekend, I had the privilege of attending and presenting at the 41st International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) conference. Sharing space with 700 plus people did my soul good--so many attendees had already died and come back to earth life least once, or had near death-like experiences. It felt like a soul tribe.
I offered two acts of service to this incredible community: I led 2 Experiencer Lounges--open sharing for anyone who needed a supportive place to share and listen to fellow journeyers. As well, I led an Open Heart Drum ceremony: a chance to center and remember who we are as Love-centered Beings. After the ceremony, I was approached by a couple and asked by the husband, Eric, to be on his podcast. Looking at his shiny aura, I knew I had to answer yes. I am so glad I did!
Before the podcast recording session, I painted a portrait of Eric Taylor's aura, and talked with him about it. A turquoise /indigo brother, I could see that, in this lifetime he had gone through the depths of hellish experiences, as well as peak spiritual experiences. And recently in a 40 day coma, more peak and difficult experiences.Yes, you read that correctly: 40 days in a coma!
The podcast was an amazingly healing experience for me: This was the most open share of my life's journey I've done in a long time. And, I admit to feeling quite vulnerable after I listened to the podcast: I realized it still felt strange to report on the experiences some might think were figments of my imagination. Yet, I also knew that the right people will tune into the podcast: Many people I work with appreciate that there is someone else who has transformative experiences, and is somewhat sane.
The tagline quote on the YouTube video link applies to me too: "My Mission is to help people trust in themselves." With this trust that sharing this supports that mission, here's episode # 252, Knowledge is Love podcast with astrologer and Soul brother, Eric "Big e" Taylor.
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