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Feelings on the road of life

This morning, it was nice to wake up to the sun streaming through the windows. I padded to the kitchen to make coffee and eggs, do the morning puzzle and peruse the paper—normal, everyday stuff, nothing fancy.

Yet this morning was in contrast to yesterday morning, when I woke up feeling unwell, off center, headachy…just not right. Yesterday was filled with doctors appointments, my elderly mom’s and my own too. A few health challenges needed attending to, and I thought, “Well this is good timing, because I feel so punky.” But there was more to the yuck feelings than could be explained by physical symptoms, so I did an internal check in:

When I check into what might be the cause of unknown off-centered-ness or out-of-the-blue physical yuck, I follow a protocol.

  1. I ask, “Is this mine?” Are these feelings personal to me? If so, then I look deeper into what may be happening inside me. If not, then…

  2. I ask, “Is this family/community?” Are these feelings tied to someone I know and love who might be going through something difficult? If so, I do a scan of my loved ones, maybe call/text a few to check in, and send out love and healing to whoever needs it. If not, then…

  3. I ask: “Is this planet?” Are these feelings tied to a natural or man made challenge that will affect a lot of people? Examples have included school shootings, tsunamis, earthquakes, 9-11-2001, et al, and my usual timeline is feeling ill a day before. I tune in, ask how I can help, and send out prayers to wherever they may be needed.

After the tune in, I usually feel physically better, no matter the reason. Using the protocol helps me to move on and not be immobilized by the feelings.

Yesterday’s check-in offered the following insight: Yesterday, June 1, was the 7th anniversary of leaving our 20 year home for parts and adventures unknown to us then. Life circumstances, health challenges and financial disasters led up to the decision to downsize and eventually release our home to the bank. Other adventures ensued, including hubby’s cardiac arrest and stroke, and my caregiving years, and our search for home and community. The shadow of grief and challenge can last a lifetime, so I lit a candle, and offered up the feelings to Spirit.

Time and again, the last few years’ challenges have reminded me that I am a resourceful person, and that my spiritual faith and the use of spiritual tools work. Time and again though, I am keenly aware that the challenges are far from over.

This world we live on is not a very supportive place for many many people. There are those of us who thrive, no matter the circumstances, and I count myself to be in that fortunate bunch. Yet, I am constantly reminded that we have a long way to go in our creating the bigger shift in consciousness that will be based on good will and well-being rather than material greed and separation.

As for me, I want to be part of the solution as an agent for change. So I do what I do, the best I can: healing, advising, teaching, helping a friend or stranger, meditating, staying as healthy as possible, and doing my best to be a good planetary citizen.

Over the years, some of you have supported my personal journey with your prayers and resources and money and recommendations and advice and positive supportive words. Thank you. And thank you for being part of the shift by being you.



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