Darkness: in this part of the world at this time of year, it's a challenge to be dealt with. And in modern times, rather than slowing down and going within, our lives are more sped up than ever with the holiday rush, and work to be completed before the new year. Traffic gets snarled by darkness and winter weather, and people are grumpy and frantic because of it. And then there's the dark itself: Wake up in the darkness, drive home from work in darkness---Will the sun ever come out again?
Of course it will. But it seems a distant memory for now.
In our lovely old home, the darkness also gives way to cold in most of the rooms. It seems that 1920's era Craftsman homes did not come equipped with insulation. Regardless, we warm up one cozy room at a time, and the gratitude for a roof over our heads goes a long way to warm our hearts as well. Which leads me to some strategies of dealing with the dark and cold, the first one being...
Count your blessings. Maybe they seem few and far between, maybe they seem abundant. Look for them everywhere.
Shine your light: it's needed now more than ever. A long discordant political season is supposedly over, yet the divisions in this country seem wider than ever: Hate crimes emerge from the darkness of people's long-time hurting hearts. Pessimism prevails. Yet this is exactly the time to shine your light: Commit acts of kindness, and show compassion for those you disagree with. And....
Pray for, or meditate on, or perform rituals for peace. The season of darkness is an opportunity to go within. The contrast between the darkness outside and your inner light becomes more evident. This is why there are candle-lighting ceremonies and solstice bonfires: despite the dark, its a time to state, "Peace can prevail. Light can shine. Warmth defrosts the iciest heart".
Finally, stop for a moment, light a candle, and breathe. Recently, I've adopted the ritual of taking 10 minutes to sit down, light a candle, and be still. Oddly enough, taking time out seems to create more space and time to do what is important to me. It's one of the best magic tricks I know: Be still and know God's presence.
This morning's candle-lighting ritual included a time to send out my gratitude for each one of you in my life. You light up the world, never forget that.
Blessings, Elke