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Life in movement means an occasional fire, bump & bug

Writer's picture: Elke Siller MacartneyElke Siller Macartney

The zebra slippers are comfy looking aren't they?

And the scene looks peaceful: tea cup filled, pen poised, window looking out on distant mountains and oil tankers waiting for refills at the huge pumping station that is our nearby oil refinery on otherwise beautiful Fidalgo Bay. Mind you, this is not the view from our home. No, I am at a nearby inn, trying to fill out an extensive itemized list the pen is poised upon. And the list is of the items that were charred or smoke damaged in our recent fire, to be sent to our renters insurance company.

Don't worry, the fire was fairly small--confined to our bedroom closet. No one was significantly hurt, except for my husband the hero who put it out and for me--we both inhaled smokey fumes and I got sick. Yet, I feel blessed that it wasn't worse, because it could have been much much worse if hero Jim hadn't come home early from a community event and came upon the smoldering flaming mess.

So now there's cleanup and fix up and sort through ashes and dump and replace and figure out financial details and get our life back in order so we can sleep in and I can work in our home again. Hence me here at the Inn, while at home, Jim puts on another coat of paint over what was the scorched wall. I am beyond tired, and there's a list a mile long of to-dos. I admit to overwhelm and crankiness at the start of this day, yet because we live in this fine community, help has shown up when needed, and sycnhronicites and resources abound.

Second day into this adventure I lay sick on our sofa with windows wide open, and a big question brewing: Why? A few weeks ago, there was the concussion. Bam! had some sense knocked into me and some fear knocked out of me, so, check! got the lesson out of that. Then, last week, while on a 3 day writing retreat at a Buddhist retreat house, there were bedbugs. It seems meditation doesn't stop the critters from infesting the holy bedding. While hunting for a new place to retreat, I got: I compromise too much in my life, hence my staying somewhere compromised.... Um geez, I was getting good at coming up with lessons learned. Check, check.

But this recent event, and after a time of happiness and business and a good life... Oh now what?

I'm sure I could make something up. I could say I need to be more mindful: an exposed light-bulb in the bedroom closet was accidentally left on and torched a barely-touching sweater nearby. Yes, that's how it happened.

But really, crappy things happen, and then good things happen, and... Is a deep search for THE reason necessary every time things go wonky or buggy or get set on fire?

I don't think so. What I DO think needs to happen is to stop and take a breath when the moment presents itself. Take stock of what IS, in that moment, and then MOVE into the next moment. DO what is in front of me. Be grateful for what is. And then move some more...into the next moment of living. Who knows what the next will bring? Synchronistic events? New opportunities for growth? (Don't scream and run out of the room please.) More trouble? More understanding? Yes to that last one. I guarantee it.

Live your life. It'll be ok. Things will happen. You'll survive. And you may find yourself sitting in an inn with soft Zebra slippers on (they survived the fire, yay!) writing to your friends.

In gratitude, Elke

PS: this week's activities are still on. See below for details.

At Anacortes Center For Happiness, third floor ballroom, 619 Commercial Ave:

Saturday, March 29, Monday April 28, 7:30 - 9:00 PM New Moon Drum Celebrations Seed you intentions for the month, and weed out old ideas and habits and thoughts. Bring your own drums and rattles, or borrow mine. All ages welcome. $5-$10 donation welcome.

Sunday, March 30, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Shaman Momma presents: A Day of Healing This is what we are here for: Healing our minds, our attitudes, our bodies, our souls, our emotions, our opinions, our beliefs. Today we'll experience energy healing through: *Clearing your energy field (aura) *Opening your heart to receive what you need *Sending clean healing energy to others *Calling your soul home....and more....

ONE spot just opened. MUST RSVP via email for this. A deposit of $30 is needed to secure your space. Fee for the 7 hour day: $60-$80. Please email Elke to RSVP.

At Green Spirit House, 1309 6th, Anacortes:

Sunday. April 13, 12:00pm until 5:00pm Shaman Mama’s Spiritual and Learning Group Support, conversation, tools...all part of a Shaman Momma afternoon. This month's theme: Spiritually Transformative Experiences, including NDE's, OBE's, sightings of all kinds, psychic experiences, and more....

Safe place to tell your story and gain insights about it, as well as tools for integration. $25- $45 sliding scale fee. RSVP please!

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