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If I can create this, then I can also create that…

The morning’s wake up was unpleasant: spinny head, a headache on its way and a sick tummy. Not exactly the motivation needed to catch the 8:00 ferry to Guemes Island and lead my Zumba Gold group, so I cancelled the class, made ginger tea and have been sleeping on and off since.

Weirdly, I am grateful for time off and away from the fray of humanity’s ongoing healing crises. Actually, I am grateful for time away from the fray of my own mind’s healing crises. Sometimes its better to just go with the flow of illness and lay down.

While I rested, Spirit did what Spirit likes to do when I am finally still and quiet enough to listen: Spirit gave me a simple insight that will be easy to put into action, and might be a wonderful thing to share with others (ie you).

A few minutes ago, my blurry eyes peeked out from under the cozy blanket on my sofa, and I took inventory of my surroundings: a warm comfortable room, a favorite tea mug nearby, and a few pieces of art I love. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for everything I saw, and this was magnified by knowing full well that there are many people who do not experience this coziness and warmth. So I uttered my thanks, lit a candle and meditated on my abundance.

I reflected on the recent journey to find a new affordable home. I smiled at the thought that here I was, in a home we can afford. Yet I also thought about some struggles I have with the creation of sustainable income. I pondered over my usual thoughts of “Sheesh, why haven’t I created a sustainable income yet? And when will I, if ever?” And thus a grand experiment was born:

I call it: If I can create this, then I can also create that.

Example: If I can create a wonderful home to live in, then I can also create a sustainable livelihood. In noticing what I have created, I can take charge of my thoughts and harness them to go the next level in my creation.

Will you join me in this experiment?

1.Take note of something positive in your life…it could be anything: Good food, a relationship, a mind that works…really, anything.

2. With gratitude, affirm that you created the space for this something to be.

3. Say thank you for the gift.

4. Affirm the following: If I can create this [something], then I can also create this [something I deeply desire/next level of creation].

Here’s another example: If I can create a blog post that inspires others, then I can create a best selling book that inspires others. Or If I can create a comfortable sofa to sit on, then I can easily create everything I need for a comfortable home life.

I am smiling from under the blanket now.

I realize there will be challenges to this thought experiment. Plenty of ‘em. Yet I am willing to try this out, and see where it goes.

Thanks for your willingness to be on the spiritual path. Remember, you created your path, and if you can create a spiritual path, then you certainly can create a path of joy and peace.

I’ll keep you posted.

Blessings, Elke

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