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Fractured wing = many gifts.

Writer's picture: Elke Siller MacartneyElke Siller Macartney

Healing wing report…

It’s sixth weeks since my wing fracture––AKA the comminuted compound fracture of my arm’s humeral head. It's been six weeks of intense healing work, lots of lessons and discoveries, and significant gifts. I feel blessed to be on this healing trajectory.

Fractures; the word suggests a breaking up, as in a fractured relationship, or the fractures of melting iceberg. I also think that fractures can break open to something new, such as a chick’s beak fracturing the egg in which it has resided so it can be born. Breaking open to the new is what I feel my journey has been about. I also realize that fractures need to be treated with great care and awareness.

Over the weeks, my awareness of what is working in my life and what doesn’t has increased many fold. I now understand how some old habits of thinking were holding me back from birthing my dreams and intentions. With awareness came discoveries of what was holding me back physically as well. This was a severe fracture for a simple fall from my full height of 5 foot one and a bit. So I had to face the possibility that there was something amiss in my very bones themselves. Because of previous health issues and subsequent tests, it was determined that there was too much calcium in my blood––hypercalcemia means that the calcium is not being absorbed by my bones. So after the fracture, I wanted to know what my bone density is and asked my endocrinologist to order a bone density test. I was shocked by the results: I have severe osteoporosis in my arms, even though I eat well, do weight bearing exercises, and am fairly fit. This finding could explain the severity of the fracture. Recently I underwent testing to see if my parathyroid is blocked by a small tumor and is causing the hypercalcemia/ osteoporosis.i will know the results soon, and go from there.

The cause of our challenges and crises: It’s something we all want to know. Why did this happen? What can I do about this? The fracture called so much into question for me. I knew that I was at a turning point in my life, and today I can state I will move forward in a new way, with new resolve and energy to do what I have come to this planet to do.

In local events, I have been riveted by the very sad scene of a mother orca whale carrying her dead newborn baby to the surface of the water for now over 18 days. Mom is part of J pod, a small community of whales that are down to only 75 members. Without the healthy gestation, birth and survival of new babies, there is no future for this community. People around the world see this as a sign of imbalance in our human actions creating yet another extinction event. Imbalance. This is what we must look at as a people trying to live on this wildly imbalanced planet. The mama whale is showing us all how fractured our connection with Nature is. Which brings me to this..

We must also look at our own fractured and imbalanced lives, so that we can bring our personal lives into balance. I happened to lose my balance six weeks ago, and that fall has been quite the gift. Even in the first days of dealing with the pain, I clearly saw what I needed to adjust in my life to bring it into balance. Also in those initial days of letting go of work, dancing, and other things that were important to me–– or so I thought––there arrived a new idea for a body of work that will both challenge and support me for the rest of my life.

More details about this work to come. Suffice it to say now that I intend to have you all know how important you are in the balance of this planet's survival. I want you to be able to tell the stories of the earnest soul who was so willing to come to planet earth and make a positive contribution. Maybe our contributions will not save the aforementioned orca pod, but perhaps our individual contributions will start to bring balance to this complex and beautiful planet.

Let's all break open to our hearts’ desires. Let's heal our fractured lives and bring them into balance. I would be honored if you would allow me to be one of your humble guides in this effort. I am ready.

With blessings of balance, compassion, and determination,


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